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For those who prefer foods of natural origin

At La Palestina we love creating new experiences. Discover Panela with Skim Milk, the new natural food in our portfolio, made with panelera cane juice, skim milk and whey, in a perfect balance that feeds you and gets you moving.

You can use Panela with Skim Milk in a thousand ways. It is a natural ingredient always ready for any preparation; make your coffee or your usual chocolate an incredible experience of natural sweetness in your mouth. Use it in the preparation of delicious desserts, in traditional hot or cold drinks, and if you are one of the most spontaneous, enjoy it as a treat at any time of the day, or as a snack between meals. You will love it from the moment you try it.

What are you waiting to try it?

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natural food

It is a perfect combination of natural ingredients created for those who prefer natural and healthy eating. Panela con Leche is a natural food based on powdered natural panela and an addition of less than 20% skimmed milk. If you want a higher concentration of milk in your drinks, you can add the milk of your choice to taste. Mix well by hand or in a blender, and you have a meal ready to get you moving.

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Everything is born in the field

Colombian men and women put their efforts every day working the land to naturally extract and process the panelera cane juices, following corporate processes that ensure the quality and unmistakable aroma of La Palestina.

If you are one of those who has little time in the morning

It is very quick and practical to prepare. You put two and a half tablespoons (25 g) in a glass of water (230 ml) cold or hot, as you prefer, shake or blend for about 30 seconds and that's it. You have a delicious base to take your morning coffee or chocolate to another level.

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Everyone will ask for it in the store

If you are a shopkeeper, you should always have Panela con Leche ready to serve your customers. Click here and register your store so that a representative can visit you and place your order for the most recent innovation from La Palestina, which achieved the incredible fusion of milk and panela, in an instant natural product always ready for the most delicious preparations. .

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You who always go for the best

Tell us which store is closest to your home, where you would like to find this new natural delicacy from La Palestina and we will gladly take it there.

Valid for Bogotá, Medellín, Barranquilla, Coffee Region and Valle del Cauca. 

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