7 keys to healthy feeding your family.
Adapted from www.minsalud.gov.co
In our business activity we always keep in mind the resolution to produce healthy food, because we are encouraged by the dream of a nation that enjoys good health, with healthy, united and strengthened families that know how to sustain the events of our society.
Below you will find 7 simple and essential keys to make the best decisions when it comes to feeding your family.
1. Eat a variety of nutritious foods daily.
Every day, eat fruits, vegetables, whole grains, legumes, low-fat dairy, lean meats, and eggs. Combine colors and flavors.
2. With less fat, it is better
Preferably choose roasted, cooked or steamed foods without using oil, lard, or butter. If your economy allows it, choose olive, canola or sunflower oil. The habitual consumption of saturated fats is detrimental to health. These are found in lard, butter, and red meat. They are contained in pastry products, cookies and desserts. Frequent consumption of fast foods also affects your health. Foods like pizza, hamburgers, French fries, empanadas, and fried chicken are high in calories, high in fat, and low in nutrients and fiber. If when frying the food, its surface turns dark and cooking in the center becomes difficult, it is time to discard the oil.
3. Bet on 3 fruits a day
Fruits provide fiber, vitamins and minerals that improve your digestion. Combine colors and flavors and bet on consuming at least 3 servings a day, you will quickly notice the difference. Fruits such as mango, papaya, guava, melon, orange and peach provide vitamins A and C, necessary for the immune system and vision. They also provide natural fiber, necessary for digestion.
4. Discover the adventure of vegetables
There are green, yellow and red. Two a day fresh or cooked boost your health and improve your metabolism. You have a variety of preparation possibilities: salads, soups, creams, tortillas. Forget shyness and give free rein to your imagination when preparing and combining vegetables.
5. Avoid the consumption of sugary drinks
Swap sugary desserts for fruit; swap sodas and soft drinks for water and juices with no added sugar. Sweeten your life with love and natural sweeteners like panela. Sugary drinks provide only empty calories, that is, they lack nutrients. People who consume them regularly have a higher risk of suffering from diseases such as obesity and diabetes.
6. Say goodbye to the salt shaker
Avoid adding salt to already served foods. Avoid foods high in sodium such as those that are canned, luncheon meats and deli meats. Prefer those whose label indicates "low sodium". Limit the use of sauces, processed and ultra-processed foods, observe the sodium content on packaging and select those foods with lower content. Eating too much sodium can raise your blood pressure. Replace salt with natural seasonings.
7. Well informed, well fed
Read the food information on the packages, select those with lower sodium and sugar content, and choose those that do not contain trans fats. Being aware of what you eat favors proper nutrition, care and maintenance of health. Identifies nutritional information on a food package (nutritional label or label), ingredients and other essential recommendations to make the right decisions when buying and consuming healthy foods and beverages.
Note: Regarding its energizing properties, aguapanela is very helpful in providing strength and energy to people with high rates of physical activity and athletes, reinforcing glycogen deposits, giving the body greater resistance and postponing the onset of fatigue.